Ingjerds world...

Oscar Wilde once wrote "I am not young enough to know everything". I guess I am neither old enough, nor young enough, but we twentysomethings try our best to get a grasp of this world - and with that I welcome you to MY world: You are free to crash. This is a place publish curious thoughts and recent events - some personal stuff, but mainly about music and technology.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Best bands of the YEAR

The bands I listen most to now:

1. Keane
2. Travis
3. Kasabian
4. Razorlight
5. The Baby Shambles
6. Morrisey
7. Oasis
8. New order
9. Kaizers Chiefs

Best solo:

1. Rufus Wainwright
2. James Blunt
3. Martha Wainwright
4. Ben Folds (Band/solo - as i still listen to the ben folds five stuff)

Potential newcomer: The Delays?

Best Norwegian act:
Jim Stärk

What is your deepest fear?

Paul McManus (VC and lecturer for our class last summer advanced entrepreneurship programme at Boston University) still sends us his "random thoughts" newsletter, with small challenges for us mentally speaking. A great inspiration to dear to do what we fear the most!

I was really inspired by his last post, and so I publish it here - you should all
think this over people! (thanks paul)

What is your deepest fear?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of the world.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the potential that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

-- Marianne Williamson
(supposedly used by Nelson Mandela in his inaugural speach)::

Gyms in London

As I may be moving to London soon, and try to maintain an active life - it is useful to know which gyms to go to. Here are some links (memo to people visiting London on vacation - these gyms also offer day passes - no exuse not to work out in other ways than shopping).,uk

Thesis progress 1/1

Ouch... I am writing a thesis about biotechnology and the importance of connectivity. It is due on the 1st of September, and I am far away from finishing it.

I need some input on that really.

So what is it about?

The title is "Analysis of connectivity in the sectoral innovation system -
The case of biotechnology start-ups", and I have used some case studies and try to look at how they use connections to get to the point of commercialisation. I have tried to map their interactions so to say.

The problem is that my data is rather limited - and so if you or somebody you works in an interesting bio start-up - take contact!

And if you have tips on interesting journal articles or books that relate to the topic of connectivity, please let me know!

One stressed Ingjerd, that really should be writing thesis instead of this crap!

Design clothes online?

Design clothes online? This site is great - and allthough I am not completely idenpendent - as I have worked for these guys - I still think it is GREAT on a personal level. This is the link to the Norwegian version of the site.


Wirelessfestival 05

My sister and I recently visited London for the Wirelessfestival, and had a great time watching Keane, Kasabian, Rufus Wainwright and Supergrass (among others).

What a great festival! It was in Hyde Park and unlike Glastonbury's you did not have to get soaked or sleep in a tent.

Check out Wirelessfestival and maybe you will see me next year!

Here is some info. on Keanes 2nd and forthcoming album (thanks to my sister who has had too much spare time lately)!

Dior never lets us down!

Got this link from my sister!

Very useful if you need a little fashion education! (very important these days)

Am now officially blogging!

Hello everybody!

I am quite proud of myself (and to those of you who didn't think I could do it - you all owe me a pint!) as I am now an offical blogger. Welcome to the new world of sharing personal information on the internet! Well, it is a 2005 thing, and why not?

I will be posting stuff on a regular basis - not interesting to everybody I imagine, but little things that happens around me and my thoughts and some ideas.

I hope that it will be visited regularly - and I promise to post often!
