Welcome to my page!!! I kiss you!!!! The story of the Real Borat

Mahir, a resident of Izmir, Turkey, became an Internet celebrity in 1999. His picture-laden personal homepage, which exclaimed in broken English his love of the accordion and travel, was visited by millions and spawned numerous fansites and parodies, one featured on Fox's MadTV (season 4, episode 20). Mahir was ranked #2 in CNET's Top 10 Web fads (July 15, 2005).
The site was also included in PC Magazine's "The 25 Worst Web Sites" list (September 15, 2006). Mahir claimed in various interviews that his personal webpage was hacked, with additions such as "I like sex" embedded into his webpage. The site was originally hosted on the now defunct XOOM website which offered customers 10mb of space for free, a large amount for the time. XOOM advertised Mahir on their front page during the mania.

I particularly enjoyed reading about Mahir's passion for photograhy "I like to take foto-camera (amimals , towns , nice nude models and peoples)....." and ping pong. But more than anything else, you gotta love the invitation to single girls on the bottom of the page:
Who is want to come TURKEY I can invitate .....
She can stay my home ........
I speake turkish , english , rusian , I want to learn other language!
See it for yourself?
Mahir's homepage
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