My first pasty!

Hmm, looked around, and the sight is depressing: Burger King, Boots, Marks&Spencers, Costa Coffee, a place that sells muffins and things (can't remember the name), Upper Crust (baguette place) and a pub... not much to catch my fancy. Then I notice a Cornish Pasty place, and I'm suddenly realizing that I've lived in the UK for nearly a year and I HAVEN'T HAD A TRADITIONAL PASTY yet. A pasty is like a pie with steak and leeks in it.
So, I go up to the counter casually and order: "One medium Tradi-Pasty, please". This item of food I bring on the train.... I carefully remove the wrap paper, and can feel my tastebuds getting ready for this gastronomic experience en masse. I take a bite.... and then another one... and it tastes... absolutely NOTHING! MY God, am suddenly reminded why British cousine is not counted among the top European kitchens along with France, Italy, Spain and... even... Germany! This is horrible, and I strongly advise people against this experience. I chucked it in the bin, and longed for fresh Norwegian salmon or Ricotta cheese.... or houmus... and Chateau Briand.... Well, as my father says: "It doesn't matter what it tastes like, we all have to feed".....
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