Ingjerds world...

Oscar Wilde once wrote "I am not young enough to know everything". I guess I am neither old enough, nor young enough, but we twentysomethings try our best to get a grasp of this world - and with that I welcome you to MY world: You are free to crash. This is a place publish curious thoughts and recent events - some personal stuff, but mainly about music and technology.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Free beer? Yeah right!

There are apparently no limits to how stupid marketing sometimes can be. The beer brand Carling sent me an email today saying, at first, something brilliant. Namely:

FREE BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I was like "yeah, that sounds alright". BRILLIANT!!!! Where do I sign up? Give it to me! and then they go...

ALL you have to do is this:

"Simply buy The Sun newspaper on Saturday 18th November, cut out the coupon inside, and take along to your nearest participating store to redeem for a FREE 4-pack of Carling C2, and you and your mates can all enjoy its crisp, refreshing lager bite."

BUY the SUN!???? To get a "free" beer? Ha!
I'd demand f***ing extra PAy to even OWN a copy of the SUN. It's a shite newspaper!

(Ok ok, caaaalm down now!)


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